Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Spring Cleaning

There is something about the changing of the seasons that evokes a certain kind of excitement. Especially when we are moving out of the cold winter months into the rebirth and regeneration of spring. Of course here in theChicago area the weather is still in the thirties but I am hopeful that the thermometer will hit the 40s by the end of the week. Spring is on its way!

When spring arrives there is a noticable change in energy. Good old spring fever. I know that I can't wait to get moving, get outside and feel the warm sun on my face and to breathe in the fresh spring air. It feels so good.

This is usually the time that I get the urge to do a bit of spring cleaning. I know many of you can relate. It is just so satisfying to open up the windows, feel the crisp air fill the room and give everything a good clean.

Well, guess what. We don't need to stop there. Our bodies can use a nice spring cleanse as well. Over the winter we've probably been eating heavier foods and moving a bit less and maybe even stored a few pounds. The spring is a time to lighten up our foods, clean our our bodies and get ready for bathing suit season. It's the perfect time for a cleanse.

I am going to do a series of posts around spring cleansing and why it is important so stay tuned for more information. For now though, let's find out what a cleanse is.

A cleanse is a time to change the types of foods and beverages you ingest as well as setting up a physical routine that aids the body in detoxifying any built up toxins. These toxins come from external sources like pollutions, pesticides, and chemicals in our food and water.

A cleanse can last anywhere from 1 day to 30 days and can be as simple as removing one type of food like sugar or caffeine or as extreme as drinking nothing but water. I have personally tried my hand at some pretty extreme cleanses, the most extreme being a 92 day juice feast where I drank nothing but fresh vegetable and fruit juice. I made it 83 days. I know, crazy isn't it?

Well, these days I am a proponent of more gentle cleansing. I like to help my clients figure out what type of cleanse will suit their emotional and physical needs without causing a major shock to their system and throwing it out of balance. I encourage them to take part in a cleanse that is based on whole foods and is simple and satisfying.

Forget the old saying, "No pain, no gain." It doesn't apply. It's time to embrace a new and gentler way. A way that supports our body and doesn't make us feel miserable. This new way of cleansing is effective and can show amazing results.

In my next post I will go into detail about why we need to cleanse our bodies. I will talk about where the toxins are coming from and what they are doing to your body. Stay tuned!

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