When I was a kid no one had to tell me how to have fun. I woke up in the morning and hit the door. I ran around all day with my friends catching frogs, going fishing, riding our bikes, dancing, swimming and hanging out. Fun was easy.
So often as adults we lose our sense of fun. We are so busy with our schedules, our to-do lists, cooking, cleaning, taking care of the kids, and on and on. We forget how to just let lose and have fun.
Recently I found myself with a free Friday with nothing to do. I started thinking about the things I normally like to do...head to the bookstore, no, I didn't feel like doing that...explore the craft store, nah, didn't sound good...go for a walk in nature, who was I kidding? It was freezing out! What the heck? I couldn't even think of anything fun to do. I ended up sitting around my house watching TV. BORING!!!
I decided it was time to spend some time creating my nourishment menu. A nourishment menu is a list of anything and everything that feeds your soul. It can be relaxing, fun, rejuvenating, social or solitary. Whatever gets you excited.
Once I got started it was pretty easy. I came up with some things I am actually excited about and I am looking forward to some more of these Fun Fridays.
I decided to start with something I love to do but always seem to forget about...photo hunts. It is such a great adventure to walk around and look at my surroundings with different eyes. Things come to life. I start thinking about getting low and shooting up or zooming in and filling the frame. I especially love to do this in nature.
Today I headed off to one of my favorite garden stores in the area called The Growing Place. It was a beautiful day, the sun was shining and I just spent some time wandering around and looking for beauty. What a joy! Everywhere I looked I saw something lovely.
I created the above collage with some of the pictures I took. The whole thing was so fun and I feel very happy and content. Fun just got easy again!
What kinds of things are on your nourishment menu? If you don't have your own list, now is a good time to get one started. Get started now and don't forget to tell me all about it!
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