Gratitude helps you to grow and expand; gratitude brings joy and laughter into your life and into the lives of all those around you. -- Eileen Caddy
In an effort to share a bit of the joy and laughter Eileen speaks of above, this blog will be dedicated to moments of gratitude each Thursday.
I invite you to share the things you find yourself most thankful for throughout the week. Just send note, a photograph or both to me by noon on Wednesdays to be featured on Thankful Thursday.
If you didn't get a chance to submit your thankful moment this week, don't let that stop you. Just leave a comment down below. I am so excited to be able to share these special moments with all of you!

This week I am most thankful that no one on my street was hurt when a young, 19 year old boy crashed into a tree while he was driving drunk.
Normally there are kids all over the neighborhood outside playing. Within a 10 house radius there are over 25 kids and they are always out playing ball, riding bikes and all that fun stuff.
On Tuesday, the only one out there was my 7 year old. He was playing basketball in the driveway. He came running in and told me what had happened. I went outside right away and it was immediately apparent that the boy was altered in some way. A neighbor called the police and the boy was arrested. The above picture was taken over an hour after the accident happened.
I couldn't help but be grateful that my son's basketball didn't roll out into the street while the boy barreled down the block. It was quite apparent he was going very fast by the looks of the car. It was totalled.
As I stood by watching what happened one of the neighborhood teenagers said, "Thank God no one got hurt. This would have been a whole nother situation." Truer words were never spoken. It really makes you think about what is important and how things can change in a blink of an eye.
That night as I tucked the boys in bed we sat and talked for a little longer than normal. I just didn't want to let it end, so grateful for having them.
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