Gratitude helps you to grow and expand; gratitude brings joy and laughter into your life and into the lives of all those around you. -- Eileen Caddy
In an effort to share a bit of the joy and laughter Eileen speaks of above, this blog will be dedicated to moments of gratitude each Thursday.
I invite you to share the things you find yourself most thankful for throughout the week. Just send note, a photograph or both to me by noon on Wednesdays to be featured on Thankful Thursday.
If you didn't get a chance to submit your thankful moment this week, don't let that stop you. Just leave a comment down below. I am so excited to be able to share these special moments with all of you!
This week I am so thankful for all of the learning opportunities I have on the internet. It is so amazing to me how easy it is to connect with so many people from all over the world and to gain their knowledge and insight.
I have been learning about spirituality, forgiveness, healing, self hypnosis, law of attraction, the power of the mind in relation to weight loss, shadow work, compression and expansion, and so much more. All of this in one week! Some of these things I resonate with and others I do not. But the amazing thing is I have access to it at the click of a mouse. So cool!
Through these connections I have been able to do some real healing this week and to feel inspired to continue to create the life I desire. It has been so inspirational and I encourage all of you to search out your group of people to connect with. If you like art, stamp collecting, gardening, or Elvis, there are people just like you!
For you women out there you might want to check out the Inspiring Women Summit. It has already started but once you register you can listen to the pre recorded calls and even download them for free.
To be honest, I haven't listened to any of them yet because I've been busy listening to calls that have a time limit on them. I have downloaded them for future enjoyment though. The topics range from leadership, spirituality, sensuality, empowerment and relationships. I expect to find some nuggets of wisdom in these.
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