Thursday, December 3, 2009
Learning to Pamper

Ornaments of Love

Each year I give my children a new ornament. It usually has to do with something they did in the year or a strong interest they have. There have been ornaments of just about every sport given out as well as musical instruments and favorite characters. I really love handing my 12 year old a Telletubby ornament. He cringes every time but we all laugh and I remember when he couldn't get enough of that show (thank God that is over!!!).
In 2000 my mother in law passed away in July. During that first Christmas season we received an envelope from the funeral home that handled the arrangements for us. Inside was a paper dove ornament with gold trim and her name written on it. It made us pretty sad that year but it reminded us how much she loved Christmas and it gave us an opportunity to talk about her as we put the ornament up onto the tree.
Nine years later, we still put that ornament up onto our tree in a special spot up high where it is safe and honored. It has become a special time where we can remember her and honor all that she gave us while she was a part of her life.
I am so grateful that we were given this simple gift that year when we weren't even sure we were ready to deal with it. It has given us years of joy and I suspect it will continue to for many years to come.
Is there someone you would like to honor this holiday season? Perhaps you can create a special ornament or decoration that will spark a memory, begin a conversation, or bring about a sense of gratitude for having had the privilege of knowing them. Or maybe there is someone you know who could use a simple gift or remembrance this year.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Seaweed for Dessert?
I know it sounds CRAZY but I am telling you, this is good stuff. It's like jello without the connective tissue (if you didn't know that's what they make jello out of...sorry). Honest engine, every single person in my family loved this and the best part is that is good for you!
So what is it you ask? It's called Kanten in Japan where it originated or agar agar here in the US. It is basically a flake or powdered seaweed. It is tasteless, has zero calories, zero carbs, zero fat and over 80% fiber. Because if its high fiber content and its ability to absorb water it keeps our tummies feeling fuller for longer. In fact, it is being touted as the weight loss secret of the Japanese.
You can buy it your local natural health food store. I got mine at Whole Foods. It is also available online at Amazon.com if you like to click and buy. Be sure to ask for it by its American name agar agar. You will find it in the Asian aisle by the seaweed.
This recipe is adapted from one I got from Andrea Beaman. You can change out the fruit and the juice but this combination seems especially good for Thanksgiving. Don't be scared! I promise it doesn't taste like fish or even seaweed for that matter. It just tastes like fruit jello. Yum!
Friday, November 20, 2009
Fish For the Whole Family
White Fish with Tomato and Olive Salsa
A delicious and healthy meal that is easy to prepare ...
See White Fish with Tomato and Olive Salsa on Key Ingredient.
Not everyone in my house likes fish. Big surprise there right... it seems that there is always someone who doesn't like something but fish is actually one of the things that quite a few people don't like.
I make it every week anyway. I never tell the little ones it's fish. We call salmon pink chicken and I usually call white fish chicken. It's funny because my 7 year old always asks me if he has to be careful for bones in this kind of chicken. I plan on letting him know very soon that he eats fish. I just wanted him to get used to the food before he found out what it actually is.
Last night I made a new fish recipe that everyone really liked. My husband thought it was great which is a miracle and thrilled me to no end. None of the kids even complained. Well, OK, I cannot tell a lie. A few of them were not too thrilled with the collard greens but the fish they liked.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Frantic Holiday Eating

Saturday, November 7, 2009
Now What?
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Family Favorite Chili

Growing up in the restaurant business, one thing I learned really early on is that people like different things. What one person raves about another will be repulsed by. One of my dad's favorite sayings was, "You can't please all of the people all of the time." Oh how true that statement is. I have brought that saying along with me in my family kitchen.
Family Favorite Chili
2 large red peppers chopped
5. Cover and cook on low for 8 to 10 hours.
A Happy Life

--- Abraham
I used to have this idea that someday I would be happy. Someday when my life was perfect I would finally have this ideal life and I would be happy. I would be the perfect size, my kids would be the perfect age, my house would look like a model home in a magazine, I would be travelling to exotic places, I would have free time to spend just as I wished and then...I would FINALLY be happy.
I tried to make it happen. I started taking all kinds of workshops and educational programs looking for the key to find my happiness. Each of them brought me something special and for a short time I would feel like I found my answer. Inevitably, something would go wrong in my life and I would be thrown for a loop. All my hard work was for nothing, I would never truly be happy!
This year I turned 40. Yep, the big 4-0. And guess what. Something changed in me. I have been having these moments of clarity I guess you can call them. They are like little flashes of reality and it seems my eyes have opened up to see what I couldn't see before. I have realized that there really is no final happy destination. It is what you make of everyday that determines how happy you are. I can determine how happy I am whether the weather is warm or cold, the house is clean or messy, the work is done or not. It is truly up to me.
So what have I been doing to make that process a bit easier? I've been bringing moments of joy into my day as much as possible. Nothing drastic. Nothing that can't be easily added into my day. It doesn't take a lot to make the changes. Here are my top 5 happiness helpers.
1. Creating the Soundtrack of My Life- I have been really using music to create my mood lately. I have been listening to calming and uplifting music in the mornings while I am getting the kids off to school. It really helps me start the day off feeling grounded and peaceful and I have noticed a difference in the kids' behavior as well. Some favorites are So Much Magnificence by Miten and Deva Premal, Have I told You Lately by Rod Stewart and Into the Mystic by Van Morrison.
I have also been taking mid-day dance breaks. I go to You Tube and search a favorite song, crank up the computer and start boogieing. It takes just minutes and really lifts my spirits and gives me a second wind.
Dinner has been amped up with the addition of music too. I get the kids dancing around the kitchen with me while I prepare the food and we have lots of fun. One warning, don't get too wrapped up in the dancing, you might burn your food...trust me, I speak from experience. :o)
2. Gratitude, Gratitude, Gratitude- I can't say enough about taking the time to stop and think about what you have instead of what you don't have. It changes your entire perspective and gives you a warm fuzzy feeling inside. In the beginning I had the hardest time with this, I was so negative that I often couldn't find anything to be that grateful for. I had to come up with basic things like, "I am breathing. I can walk. I can see. The sun is shining." It didn't take long for me to get with the groove and now I find gratitude in just about everything these days.
3. Picking Media Wisely- I haven't watched the news in years. I decided a long time ago that I wasn't being served by the negative messages and fear inducing hype that goes on in most newscasts. It is amazing but I have managed to survive and know enough about what is going on to carry on intelligent conversations. I just recently learned of a magazine called The Week from a fellow IIN student. It is a weekly news magazine that reports with a positive spin. I am going to get my free 4 issues and check it out.
4. It's Tea Time- My grandmother is from Australia and in Australia you drink tea. You drink tea all day it seems. When I headed down under as a teenager I couldn't appreciate the ritual of taking time off for a cup of tea but now that I am, ahem, "older", I get it.
In this instance it really isn't about the tea. It's more about ritual of taking the little break in my day. I spend about 10 to 15 minutes just relaxing and enjoying my tea. If you're not into tea then find something else that can give you that warm happy feeling and feeds your body. That is good stuff.
5. Stay Connected- In this day and age it seems we are all so busy that it can be easy to go through life without really connecting to the people we love. We give a quick kiss goodbye as we head out the door and say our "I love you's" when we hang up the phone but without really making an effort to connect on a regular basis we can easily lose touch.
Our family likes to play dinner games while we eat. It's a fun way to spend our time together and we all have a little laugh at the same time. I also make an effort to spend time with the kids when they get home from school to see how their day went.
My husband and I usually go out twice a month on a date. Sometimes we go to dinner, to the movies, or even to the bookstore. Occasionally we will listen to some live music. The nights where we end up sitting around and talking are the best dates. We end up feeling like we did when we first met and we really feel connected.
What kinds of things do you do to make your days a little happier?
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Meatless Monday!
I like this idea and decided to commit to doing it. My first attempt at feeding my children a meatless meal went over great. I took a recipe that I have for pasta fagoli and omitted the meat (which I don't usually even put in there) and switched out the chicken broth for some vegetable broth. It was a success. The kids didn't even realize they weren't eating meat. In fact, I am going to do this a few more times before I announce it to them.
Why wouldn't I just tell them you ask. Well, the little guys probably would think it was a great idea. I could show them the video and we could have some fun with it...which is exactly what we will do in a few weeks. The problem is the teenager. Yes, he is a meat eater and will complain incessantly about the lack of meat. I figure if I do it without him realizing it I will have some history to fall back on him when he complains. You know, "I've been doing it for a month now and you haven't complained once." Sneaky I know.
Now, if any of Cody's friends are reading this blog post (you know who you are), you better not let him in on the secret. I will know you did it :o)
Vegan Pasta Fagoli
2 TBL olive oil
2 large garlic cloves, minced
1 large carrot, finely chopped
2 celery stalks, finely chopped
1 small onion, finely chopped
1 14 1/2 oz can diced tomatoes
1 quart vegetable broth
2 cans cannellini beans
1/2 cup small pasta (tubettini or ditalini)
1/2 cup fresh parsley, chopped
salt & pepper
red pepper
Heat the oil in a large heavy pot. Cook the onion, carrot and celery until soft. Add the garlic and cook another minute. Pour in the broth, beans and chopped tomatoes and cook for 5 minutes. Remove a few scoops of the bean mixture and puree or mash. Return to the pot. * Add the pasta, parsley, and seasonings. Cook until the pasta is al dente. Serve in bowls topped with a drizzle of olive oil, some shaved Parmesan cheese and a sprinkling of chopped parsley.
*I use my immersion blender to thicken up the soup instead of taking the beans out and mashing them. It is quick and easy.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Is Time Passing You By?

The funny thing is that I am sure that tree has been that color for days now and in my rush to get everything done and to be everywhere I need to be, I never “saw” it. It got me thinking about all of the beauty that I’ve been missing as the days speed by in the life of the ever hectic mom.
How many days have gone by where I’ve missed the sparkle of the sun shining through my window for that brief moment in the middle of the day? When was the last time I really listened to the buzzing of the bees as they go about their busy work in my garden? I can’t remember the last time I took time out of my life to just go for a walk in the woods and breathe in the fresh air and admire the beauty of nature.
Then it really hit me. What else had I been missing? The greatest beauty of any mom’s day…the beauty of a child’s smile or their light hearted giggle? Have I truly taken time to savor all of those moments that occur spontaneously throughout the day? Do I give my children single pointed focus when they are speaking to me? Do I genuinely look at them; see them for who they are? How often do I savor my sweet boys, engulf myself in their scent and just be with them in the moment?
I have a 17 year old son who is graduating high school in January. As it seems every wise and “mature” parent will tell you, the time flies by. I can’t believe that he is a young man and no longer wants to cuddle and snuggle with me. I know I have had many beautiful moments with him and all of my boys and I want more. I don’t want to miss them.
As a mom of five boys I am acutely aware of how busy life can be and how much there is to get done in one day. I am deciding today to schedule in cuddle time, snuggle time and lovin’ time with my boys just as I do dentist appointments and grocery shopping. I am committing to practice giving my children my undivided attention. No more reading my email while they are talking to me or doing something else while they are trying to tell me a story.
I invite you to join me in this experiment to see how differently your days play out. I am willing to bet that not only will it bring you joy and happiness but it will affect your children in a powerful way. They will not only feel the love that you have for them but they will be learning how to be in the moment themselves.
As I sat here typing, my youngest son Aidan just came up to me and climbed into my lap. I immediately stopped what I was doing, wrapped my arms around him and began the automatic mommy rock. In that moment, I was overcome with the love that is always available for me but that I don’t always take the time to feel. It brought a tear to my eye. In about 60 seconds it was over. He jumped off and ran off to finish his homework. I looked up at that autumn tree and sent it a wave of gratitude for allowing me to see its beauty and the beauty that is all around me.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
The Green Monkey

"Is this green?" asks the 7 year old.
"It kinda looks yellow." replies the 9 year old.
"Nope, it's green. Look at it. It's green." insists the 7 year old.
"Yes it's The Green Monkey!" announces the oh so smart Mama!
"The Green what? I'm gonna try it." says the 7 year old... "This is AMAZING Liam! You HAVE to try it!"
A triumphant smile comes over the Mama's face. What a great way to start the day!
The Green Monkey arrived one morning when I was making the usual peanut butter and banana smoothie that my kids enjoy. I decided to add a bit of spinach to it and sneak some vitamins and minerals in. I started with just a bit...no need to freak 'em out too much. Once they were on board with the green color I added more and more and now it is a nice, rich green color.
Give it a try and let me know how it goes!
The Green Monkey
1 banana
1 Tbl natural peanut butter
1 Tbl ground flax seed
milk of choice (I use rice milk or almond milk)
Add everything into the blender and blend away. Add as much or as little milk to get the desired consistency. You can double it or triple it to feed more little ones (or big ones).
Friday, October 9, 2009
Breakfast When You're Not a Morning Person

I confess! I am not a morning person. I don't jump out of bed with a smile on my face and head off on my merry way. My mom is like that...it always drove me crazy when I was a kid. Of course now that I am a mom, I am sure I seem that way to my children because I make a special point to be as happy and loving as I can as they awake. I want their day to start off great.
But the truth is, it takes me about 30 minutes and sometimes even an hour to get myself moving. Now this is not the best scenario for a mom of hungry boys! They want food! What's a mom to do?
Here are some things I do to make it a bit easier for me to give my kids healthy breakfasts while I am sleep walking:
1. Hard boiled eggs are my friend- Each Monday as I am unpacking my groceries I boil up a big pot of eggs. This way all I have to do is peel them and hand them out. Add a piece of fruit and they are good to go.
2. I cook more than I need- When I make oatmeal I make a double or even triple batch. I add my chopped fruit, dried fruit, nuts, and cinnamon while I am cooking it. It keeps in the refrigerator so all I have to do is heat it up, add some ground flax seed and viola, a warm and hearty breakfast. I do this with other warm cereals like brown rice cereal or quinoa flake cereal too.
3. I keep bananas in my freezer- I slice them up, throw them in a ziploc and freeze them. This makes it so easy to make smoothies in the morning. I don't have cut anything and I don't have to add ice. I just throw the stuff in the blender, flip the switch and breakfast is served.
4. I buy it ready to go- I used to only buy whole flax seeds and grind them to order everytime I used them. That got old so when I saw a bag of ground flax seed I decided to try it out. Now I know that it may lose some of its potency because it is pre-ground but I also know that it is better than no flax seed so I compromise.
5. I made granola in the crockpot- It was so easy to do and I have a big bag of it ready to go. It can be sprinkled over yogurt (I buy the coconut milk yogurt. It's dairy free), or sliced bananas. You can find the recipe for it here.
So there you go. Breakfast for the morning brain dead. What kinds of things do you eat for breakfast? If they're fast and easy, hook me up!
Friday, September 25, 2009
Ginger, Glorious Ginger!

Sunday, September 13, 2009
Gluten Free Zucchini Bread

Whisk together Pamela's Ultimate Baking & Pancake Mix, cinnamon, salt, and nutmeg.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Back to School- Recipe

Yield: one 8 x4 loaf
2 cups Pamela's Ultimate Baking & Pancake Mix
2 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp salt
1/4 tsp nutmeg
2 cups grated zucchini, blossom end removed
2 tsp grated lemon zest (optional)
1/4 cup oil
2 eggs
1/2 cup brown sugar, packed
1/2 cup white sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 cup walnuts or pecans, chopped (optional)
In a separate bowl, beat together eggs, oil, and sugar for one minute on medium. Stir in vanilla.
Stir wet ingredients into dry ingredients to form a batter. Fold in grated zucchini (along with optional lemon zest and chopped nuts)
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Itsy Bitsy Yummy Pockets

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Don't Like Broccoli? Try this!

1/4 cup plus 2 Tbl rice wine vinegar
1 1/2 Tbl sugar (I used 1 Tbl agave)
2 tsp Madras curry powder
1/4 tsp kosher salt
Freshly ground black pepper
1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil
Monday, August 10, 2009
Nature's Sports Drink

Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Crabby Patties

Thursday, July 16, 2009
Is it Wierd to Eat Soup in the Summer?
Wait, I know it is summer but I was sitting outside bundled up in my sleeping bag on TUESDAY watching my kids play baseball. It was freezing. I wasn't the only one out there with blankets in case you are wondering. It really was cold out.
So yesterday I had a hankering for some soup. I went to my favorite old stand by, Pasta Fagoli. I decided to change it up a bit by adding some escarole. It was delicious.
So if it is chilly where you live right now, give this soup a try. If not, save it for fall. Here is the recipe:
Pasta E Fagoli
2 TBL olive oil
3 large garlic cloves, minced
2 celery stalks, finely chopped
2 large carrots, finely chopped
1 small onion, finely chopped
1 can chopped tomatoes
2 quarts chicken broth
2 cans cannellini beans
1/2 cup small pasta like tubettini or ditalini
1/2 bunch escarole
salt and pepper
parmesan cheese
- Heat the oil in a large pot. Cook the onion, carrot and celery until soft. Add the garlic and cook another minute.
- Pour in the broth, beans and chopped tomatoes and cook for five minutes.
- Use an immersion blender to mash up some of the beans to thicken the soup. If you don't have an immersion blender you can remove a few scoops of the bean mixture and puree or mash.
- Add the pasta and cook until al dente.
- Add the escarole and salt and pepper. Turn off the heat. The escarole will wilt quickly.
- Serve with parmesan cheese
Monday, July 6, 2009
Eating on the Run

Friday, June 12, 2009
Tea Mixology

Tuesday, June 9, 2009
You Can Have It!
Location: On the phone in the comfort of your home
Date: Wednesday, June 10th
Start Time: 7:00pm CST
Press: Chicago Examiner Article
Are you walking through life unconsciously, feeling as if you aren't living the life of your dreams?
Do you feel like you don't know how to go about making changes because you don't even know what it is you truly want?
What would it feel like to get in touch with what it is you truly desire and then to see that vision realized?
Join me for this guided introspection that will help you uncover your deepest vision for your life and give you the momentum you need to see it through. This work is offered twice a year, once in January and once in June. Don't wait 6 months for another opportunity.
This free workshop is being offered as a teleseminar. Call in from a quiet location where you will not be disturbed. Have a paper and pen ready.
Phone Number 218.338.2626
Access Code: 239594
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
5 Minute Lunch

Spinach Raspberry Salad
Spinach Leaves
Canned Wild Salmon
Pecans, Chopped
Red Onions, sliced
Feta Cheese Crumbles
Dressing- I combined a pomegranate vinegar with olive oil, salt, pepper and fresh minced garlic. You could use a raspberry vinegar too.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Kiwi Love

What's So Good About a Kiwi?
They are loaded with Vitamin C and also offer folate, potassium, fiber, carotenoids, polyphenols, chlorophyll, glutathione, and pectin. They even contain Vitamin E which is usually found in nuts and oils. Another great thing about the kiwi is that it is low on the glycemic index.
How to Find the Perfect Kiwi
There are several different types of kiwi including gold kiwis, and baby kiwis. The most common variety is the Hayward which has the classic brown fuzzy skin covering the green flesh. When shopping for kiwis look for plump fruits that yield slightly to the touch. Avoid fruits that are shriveled, moldy or have soft spots.
If your kiwifruits aren't quite ripe yet, you can leave them at room temperature for a few days before eating. If you simply can't wait that long you can put them in a paper bag with an apple or a banana and that will speed up the ripening process.
Kiwi in the Kitchen
Believe it or not, you can eat the skin of a kiwi. Simply rub off the fuzz and dig it. Like most fruits and vegetables there are a lot of nutrients to be found in the skin. You can of course peel the kiwi as well. When I first started getting kiwis I used to dread having to peel them. It seemed to take so long and with 5 boys I had a lot of kiwis to peel. And the I found the secret to peeling a kiwi. It is so simple and it changed my life.
- Cut off both ends of the fruit
- Take a spoon and insert into the fruit along the edge of the skin with the curve following the natural curve of the spoon. The back of the spoon with be facing the outside of the fruit.
- Glide the spoon along the edge of the skin all the way around the fruit until the flesh is free from the skin.
- Pop out the flesh and enjoy.
How to Add Kiwis to Your Diet
- Add some chopped kiwi to your salad
- Throw into your smoothie.
- Mix into a fruit salad
- Use in a tuna or chicken salad in place of grapes
- Add to salsa
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Grocery Shopping Just Got Easier!

Have you ever stood in the aisle looking at all the products, trying to decipher the ingredient lists and the nutritional information only to throw up your hands and grab the item with the prettiest package?
I know how you feel. Just recently I was at a new store looking for some whole grain bread. I had about four different loaves all lined up trying to figure out which one to buy. They all had different pluses and minuses and I found myself getting pretty frustrated. AND I'M A HEALTH COACH!
Luckily for us David Katz, a nationally recognized authority on nutrition has come to our rescue. He got together with a team of nutrition and medical experts from leading universities and health organizations to create an algorithm that scores food based on its nutritional value.
The scores will be found on the price tag that is posted on the shelf in the grocery store. It will be easy to use because items will have a score of 1 thru 100. The higher the number, the better choice it is.
The thing that makes this scoring system different is that it is independent. It has been funded by Griffin Hospital without any funding from manufacturers or anyone interested in promoting their product. It also takes 30 different nutrients and nutritional factors into account so it is giving a very accurate representation. Here is a list of some of them:
Vitamin A
Vitamin C
Vitamin D
Vitamin E
Vitamin B12
Vitamin B6
Omega-3 fatty acids
Total bioflavanoids
Total carotenoids
Saturated fat
Trans fat
Right now the scoring system can be found in Price Chopper stores on the east coast and Hy-vee stores in the Midwest. I heard that it was going to be in Mejier stores on Monday, April 27. I actually went into my local Meijer store to inquire about it and I was excited to find out that it is true, it will be available. I made sure to tell them how thrilled I was and that I would be sharing the information with everyone I knew.
I can't wait to go in and check out all the numbers and see where the different brands score. If you have a store that has the NuVal scoring system, I invite you to check it out. If not, you can make it known that you would love to see something like this in your local store. You can also go to the website and sign up to receive updates when new stores are available.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Spring Entertaining

8 ounces sun-dried tomatoes, drained (about 3/4 cup)
2 cloves garlic, chopped
1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil
1 teaspoon kosher salt
1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
4 heads endive, ends trimmed and leaves separated
Combine the peas, sun-dried tomatoes, and garlic in a food processor. Pulse the machine until the peas and tomatoes are finely chopped. Add the olive oil and pulse until the olive oil is incorporated and the mixture is minced but not yet pureed. Transfer to a small bowl and stir in the salt and pepper. Serve as a dip with the endive spears alongside
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Spring Has Sprung!

The amazing thing about spring is how almost instantly our desires for food change. After a long winter of heavy foods, more meat, and less activity we begin to want to clean out our system and lighten up with salads, fruits and vegetables.
While we have access to a plethora of produce from all over the world, people have begun to get back to their roots and buy local. That means we eat what is in season. The best way to do that is to hit your local farmers market. If you are looking for one in your area check out the Local Harvest website.
It may be a bit early in the season just yet but let's take a look at some of the fruits and vegetables that we are lucky enough to enjoy in the spring season.
Baby Lettuce Mixes
Broccoli Raab
Celeriac Root
Dandelion Greens
Fava Beans
Fiddlehead Ferns
Garden Peas
Green Onions
Mustard Greens
New Potatoes
Snow Peas
Sugar Snap Peas
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Kiss Your Diet Goodbye!

I was walking around the store today browsing in the book aisle. I couldn't help noticing the plethora of diet books that lined the shelves. I myself own some of them. I have tried several diets in my life. Not as many as some people I know but still enough to know that diets don't work.
Think back to your last "diet." I imagine it went something like this...
1. You realize that you put on a few pounds. Your clothes are getting tight or bathing suit season is quickly approaching and you are scared stiff!
2. You hear about the newest diet craze. Low fat, low carbs, cabbage soup, lemonade, whatever catches your eye. You decide that the time has come...BUT you will wait until Monday to start.
3. You research the diet du jour, plan your menu, make your shopping list, and when Monday comes you start with the plan. You are motivated. You are excited. You are going to look good in no time.
4. A few days go by, you have dropped a few pounds and you are loving it! OK, so the diet is a bit difficult. You're hungry or feeling deprived but who cares, you are losing weight! It is totally worth it.
5. After about a week, 2 weeks, or a month your enthusiasm is starting to wane. You get invited to a party and you are faced with a table full of delicious looking food that you have been avoiding like the plague. One little bite won't hurt. You deserve it after all. You've been so good. You've lost some weight so why not reward yourself with a little "treat."
6. You can't help but wonder what the heck happened. It's been about a week since your little reward and you've been eating out of control. Your diet plan has been trashed and you don't even care about it anymore. Life is too short. Food is enjoyable and why shouldn't you live life to the fullest and eat whatever you want right?
This scenario or ones similar are played out every day in this country. We have been brainwashed to believe that the next diet will be "the one" that will save us from ourselves. These authors know more about this then we do after all. And didn't our best friend Suzie have amazing results on diet xyz? It has to work for us.
I say ENOUGH! Enough of the deprivation! Enough with the crazy plans that inevitably throw our bodies out of balance! Enough with feeling like a failure because we can't live without bread! It's not working! Our obesity rates are at an all time high. It was Albert Einstein who said, "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results" and this couldn't be more true when it comes to the world of dieting.
Join me in kissing our diet days goodbye. Embrace food and enjoy it in its whole and natural form. Eat what feeds your body and also feeds your soul. You will be amazed at the difference this simple change can make.
Can't imagine how to do this? It's best to start where you are and make a change. Decide on one healthy food you can add to your repertoire and head off to the store to pick it up. Experiment with different ways to cook it and when you are feeling comfortable, try something new.
If the whole thing seems overwhelming, contact me today for a free health consultation. Spend an hour doing something good for yourself. You will have the opportunity to zero in on the changes that make sense for you and you will get really clear about your health and wellness goals. How often do you actually get an entire hour to focus on your health?
Friday, February 27, 2009
Roasting up Some Sweetness in Kitchen

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cooking Time: 40 minutes
Yield: 4-8 servings
any leftover veggies that need to be used
1 large can chopped tomatoes
1 can chickpeas
3 or 4 large yams, thinly sliced
extra virgin olive oil
1. Chop veggies (except yams) and stir-fry in a bit of oil until soft.
2. Add can of tomatoes and drained can of chickpeas.
3. In a casserole or lasagna dish, layer yams then veggie mix (same as if you were making lasagna but use
potatoes as lasagna sheets and veggie mix instead of meat).
4. Finish with a layer of yams, lightly drizzle olive oil on top.
5. Bake for 1/2 hour at 300 degrees. Then take off cover, turn up temperature to 400 degrees for 10
minutes to crisp up the top layer.
Add your favorite herbs or spices, like basil, oregano, fennel, cumin, chili pepper, sea salt, etc., when adding tomatoes and peas for an extra kick. For a bit of added texture, add roasted sunflower seeds when adding tomatoes. Veggie Bake keeps great in the refrigerator for a few days.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Move Your Body

This weekend during class at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition I got a huge lesson on what it takes to get a good workout. We had a trainer come in and work with us for 15 minutes. We were standing up in front of our chairs and let me tell you there wasn't much room. We started jumping around, raising our knees, doing some punching, and getting our butts kicked with some squats.
Let me tell you, at the end of those 15 minutes everyone was sweating. It was so simple. There were only about 5-8 different moves and we just repeated them until the time was up. It doesn't get much easier then that does it?
Later, I was on the plane heading home and I ran across a reader's tip in the Body and Soul magazine. She had a history of struggling with establishing a workout routine. She never felt like she could fit it in. She decided to change her mindset and commit to doing just one minute of sit ups a day. Now on days that she struggles she only does the one minute but on other days she ends up doing 10, 15, or 30 minutes of exercise. Very interesting.
In one day I got my lesson twice. I don't need to go to the gym. I don't need to have the perfect workout DVD. I don't need to complicate my life. I only need to move my body. What a great lesson for all of us. Start small, commit to something, and get moving.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Not Just for the Birds

Monday, February 9, 2009
Oh the pain, the sinus pain!

My husband Ed picked up a little friend this week. It was an ugly little virus that hopped a ride home with him from the office. Throughout the week it worked its evil magic and has given him some annoying gifts. He has had chills, fatigue, congestion, cloudy thinking, sniffles and more.
Now Ed is what I call a sinus guy. I have a UR (upper respiratory)guy, and a stomach guy, but Ed is the sinus guy. Whenever he gets sick it ends up turning into sinusitis.
When I first met him he had the worst sinus problems. He was ALWAYS suffering with his yucky sinusitis! Over the years I have helped him by changing his diet. He was a hard core milk man. He loved his milk and drank a lot of it. He couldn't believe how much better he felt when he drastically cut back on the dairy. He was having less and less infections. Adding more fruits and veggies helped to boost him immune system too. Now he will usually only get sick once or twice in a year as opposed to once or twice each month. I am not kidding, he was sick all the time.
This week his suffering was lingering on a bit so I made a quick stop at the health food store and picked up some eucalyptus essential oil. I heated up a pot of water, added about 5 drops of the oil and had him put a towel over his head like a tent. He sat for 5 minutes breathing in the warm water with the oil. We refreshed the oil a few times by adding more. At the end of it he was covered in sweat but he felt so much better. He only did it once and he was amazed at the relief it brought him.
If you are a sinus sufferer or you have loved ones that may be in need of some help give that a try. Here are a few other things you can do to find relief:
- Drink a lot of water and hot herbal teas to thin the mucus and promote drainage.
- Eat chicken soup or vegetable soup. Yes, your grandma was right. There are actually studies that show that hot chicken soup promotes sinus drainage.
- Eliminate all milk and dairy.
- Make a drink of hot lemonade: Combine the juice of 2 freshly squeezed lemons with an equal amount of hot water. Sweeten with maple syrup or agave. You can also add 1/8 teaspoon of cayenne pepper if you can tolerate it. Drink this three times a day.
- Look for foods that may be triggering chronic sinus problems: Dairy and wheat are the two most common offenders.